Nambawan Super Limited is the corporate trustee of the Public Officers Superannuation Fund (“The Fund”), an Authorised Superannuation Fund, operating as an accumulation fund. The Fund is governed by 9 independent Board of Directors. Seven of whom are resident Directors, 2 non resident Directors with 2 women completing the 9 Board Members. The Fund receives superannuation contributions on a monthly basis from members though remittance from their employers. This superannuation contributions are invested monitor and interests paid annually if the returns are good.
The Trustee’s primary responsibility to the Fund Members is to ensure that the Fund is run according to the principles of good corporate governance. To achieve this objective, the Board implements five key governance principles across the entire operation of the Trustee and the Fund:
Principle 1: Compliance with the law
Principle 2: Effective leadership
Principle 3: Integrity
Principle 4: Accountability
Principle 5: Risk management