Audit & Risk

The Audit & Risk Committee is a committee of the Board and functions as an independent reviewer, working with the Board and the stakeholders to provide an objective appraisal of the financial and operational activities of Nambawan Super Limited. The Committee provides the Board with information necessary for them to fulfil their responsibilities in making informed financial and operational decisions in the best interest of the Company and its members.

As of 31 December 2015 the Committee comprised Mr Bruce Wilson as chairman, Mr Reginald Monagi and Mrs Lesieli Taviri as committee members with David Guinn as External Expert.

Mr Bruce Wilson
Mr Reg Monagi
Mrs Lesieli Taviri

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee helps the Trustee deal with member enquiries or complaints about the operation and management of the Fund. It provides a forum for Members to give their views and recommendations on the Fund’s activities and offerings. The Committee discusses and sets guidelines for benefits and advises the Trustee on Members’ information and communication needs.

During the year the Membership Committee discussed and made determinations on a wide range of issues on behalf of Members, including timely recording of Members’ contributions, reducing the State contribution arrears, benefit payments, Nambawan Savings & Loans Society and Retirement Savings Account issues, Housing Advances, Member communications, group life insurance and proposed superannuation legislative amendments.

The composition of the Committee is key to its ability to represent Fund Members’ interests and give them a strong voice. As well as a Member of the Trustee Board, the Committee also includes representatives of a number of influential PNG unions and large private organisations.

At the end of December 2015 the Committee comprised Directors of Nambawan Super Limited, Professor David Kavanamur as chairman, Lady Aivu Tauvasa, Professor Albert Mellam, Reginald Monagi and from union representatives, Martin Kenehe from PNG Teachers Association, Santee Margis from PNG Energy Workers Union, Helen Are’e from Amalgamated General Workers Union, Dumo Mamata from PNG Fire fighters Union, Lowa Tambua from PNG Police Association, Damien Aiyebaibai from Correctional Services Employees’ Association and Emma Faiteli from the Public Employer Association while a vacancy remains from PNG Nurses Association with the passing of the late Mrs. Eimi Kaptigau.

Prof. David Kavanamur Lady Aivu Tauvasa Prof. Albert Mellam  Mr Reg Monagi Mr Martin Kenehe
Santee Margis Helen Are’e Dumo Mamata Damien Aiyebaiba

Investment Committee

The Investment Committee is a committee of the Board with the responsibility of ensuring that all investments of the Fund are made in consideration of all requirements of the BPNG and in the best interest of the members to optimise returns on risks evaluated placements.

As at 31 December 2015, the committee comprised Mr Alan Kam as chairman, Mr Anthony Smare, Mr Reginald Monagi and Mr Bruce Wilson as committee members.​

Mr Allan Kam
Mr Anthony Smare
Committee Member
Mr Reg Monagi
Committee Member
Mr Bruce Wilson

Remuneration & Nomination Committee

The Remuneration and Nomination Committee has two key roles: to help the Board set appropriate, fair and responsible remuneration practices and to identify suitable candidates to fill vacancies on the Board, Standing Committees and from the Executive Management as they arise. As at 31 December 2015 the committee comprised Professor Albert Mellam as chairman, Mr Anthony Smare, Lady Aivu Tausava, Mr Alan Kam and Mrs Lesieli Taviri as committee members.

Prof Albert Mellam
Mr Anthony Smare
Committee Member
Lady Aivu Tauvasa
Committee Member
Mr Allan Kam
Committee Member
Mrs Lesieli Taviri
Committee Member